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Periodontal diseases

They are diseases and anomalies that concern the surrounding tissues (bone, gingiva) that support the tooth. Teeth are not lost only due to caries. The fact that the surrounding tissues of the teeth are not healthy causes the teeth to be shaken and lost over time, even if there is no caries. For this reason, protecting the health of the surrounding dental tissues is as important as maintaining general health.

What does healthy gum look like?

healthy gums; It is light pink in color, matte, has a tight consistency, covers the tooth all around and does not bleed when brushing. There is no complaint of pain.

What is gum disease and why does it occur?

The main cause of gingivitis is bacterial plaque and can be treated mechanically. However, genetic, environmental and systemic factors may also be factors in the formation of the disease. Systemic factors include diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, epilepsy, Down syndrome, AIDS, blood diseases. Smoking, stress, medications and nutrition accelerate the progression of the disease.

The most common cause of gingivitis is plaque accumulating on the teeth. Plaque turns into calculus over time, and calculus contains bacteria that cause periodontal disease. If the plaque accumulated on the teeth is not removed by effective brushing, redness of the gums, bleeding and swelling begin on brushing. This is gingivitis, which we call gingivitis. The treatment is tartar cleaning to be done by your dentist. If neglected, the disease spreads to the bone supporting the tooth and turns into the disease we call periodontitis. Over time, irreversible loss begins in the bone around the tooth, the gums are pulled back and the tooth roots are exposed.

Since gingival diseases do not cause serious symptoms, as a result of neglect, the teeth lose their support and may begin to shake. It can result in tooth loss.

Symptoms of Gum Diseases

The symptoms of gum disease are generally as follows.

  • Bleeding teeth while brushing
  • Red, sensitive gums
  • bad odor in the mouth
  • Swelling and recession in the gums
  • Changes in the fit of the prosthesis
  • Relationship changes between upper and lower teeth during biting

How Are Gum Diseases Treated?

First of all, the causative agent is determined by detailed examination. If it is limited only to the gums, the tartar is cleaned by our dentist. Brushing tutorial and how to use cleaning tools. Checked after two weeks. If there are swellings in the gums during the control period, they are surgically arranged.

Gingivectomy and Gingivoplasty

It involves giving a smooth form to the thickened gingival margins. It is a surgical procedure that provides correction of gingival morphology.

Subgingival Küretaj

If the disease has reached the bone tissue that supports the tooth, after tartar cleaning, the tartar and inflammatory tissues under the gums are removed. The exposed root surface is arranged. If the disease has progressed, you should definitely have your detailed treatment done by our periodontology specialist.

Flap surgeries

It is the surgery of surgically opening and cleaning the areas with severe bone loss and, if appropriate, replacing the lost bone tissue with bone powders. In order to save our teeth, you should be examined by the Dent Tulip expert staff without neglecting it.